Monday, March 29, 2010

Welcome to the Inaugural edition

Hello readers of history, politics, and above all truth. It will be my endeavor at Our Forgotten Republic to present my thoughts and opinions in light of historical fact. I've not been a partisan (at least swearing of major parties) for a number of years now. My main concern is freedom, period. For many years now too many like minded people have cast their lot with either Republicans or Democrats and then complain about the inevitable results. In other words we've relied upon mankind to author a remedy to the serious problems of our world. Government grows, liberty is replaced by tyranny. It is my firm belief that liberty and prosperity cannot exist outside the realm of Repentance and wholly relying upon the Lord Jesus Christ. You may say "well this is another religious blog" and in your definition maybe that statement is correct. But if you look around at our nation, nay our world what is its condition? How has mankind been doing? Were we better off as a nation when our people were walking closer to the Lord? Its my assertion that we were.
I've chosen the blogs title in order to study the true state of our once great country. Although I am not conceding defeat I will say in the past we were a more righteous, free, and sovereign people than our present state. In the future let's examine out plight from a Biblical, historical, and constitutional perspective. Thanks for reading.


The Hebrides.

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